V spolupráci s kresťanskými cirkvami a spoločenstvami, záujmom Scripture Union je približovať Božie slovo deťom, mladým ľuďom i rodinám a povzbudzovať ľudí každého veku k dennému stretávaniu sa s Bohom skrze Bibliu a modlitbu, takže môžu prísť k osobnej viere v nášho Pána Ježiša Krista, rásť a kresťansky dospievať, aby sa stali zodpovednými členmi cirkvi a služobníkmi tam, kde je to vo svete potrebné.
utorok 26. júna 2007
Taste of Slovakia in Glasgow
I was amazed when John has sent me this picture. As he mentioned, they have good supplies of fidorkas and kofola! Enjoy!
Or better come to Slovakia and explore by yourself.
piatok 22. júna 2007
For all Landlubbers leaders!
Hi everybody!
we are finishing our preparation before school year ends. I put some craft ideas on web-album. Please look at them post a comment, or send me your ideas, pictures...
Activity sheets are ready also, you can see the Pirate Book here.
Bookmarks for Bible study are in English and Slovak too. Thanks John and Andrej.
we are finishing our preparation before school year ends. I put some craft ideas on web-album. Please look at them post a comment, or send me your ideas, pictures...
Activity sheets are ready also, you can see the Pirate Book here.
Bookmarks for Bible study are in English and Slovak too. Thanks John and Andrej.
sobota 16. júna 2007
Team training
Spojiť príjemné s užitočným sa nám podarilo na stretnutí vedúcich tábora. Viac povedia fotky, ktoré nájdete v tomto albume.
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