streda 18. augusta 2010

Camp season is over!

Here is photos from our last camp this summer. God has shown His mercy this year again. To Him be glory!

utorok 3. augusta 2010

English Bible camp

Už desať rokov organizujeme English Bible Camp-y. Tentokrát veríme, že najlepšie počasie bude práve na Škutovkách, kde spolu s deťmi budeme objavovať rozmary počasia a neuveriteľné príbehy s nimi spojené. Už najbližšiu sobotu!

Teen Games 2010 over! TG Slovakia 2011 just one year ahead!

Teen Games in Bulgaria was an adventure and we did enjoy it so much. Thanks a lot! And all of you are invited to join us for teen Games in Slovakia 2011!